Electric Blue Metallic B35/PC3 Touch Up Paint for 1991 Chrysler Laser

Order spray cans, paint pens, brush cap bottles or larger sizes of Electric Blue Metallic touch up paint.
PaintScratch custom mixes each paint order to match the original factory color of your vehicle. Because your Chrysler Laser is 20+ years old, the paint may have faded, and we cannot guarantee a color match for Electric Blue Metallic B35/PC3. There are no refunds on paint ordered for vehicles manufactured before 1996 and we recommend you send us a part for custom matching . We will not remix this paint even if the color does not match.
Electric Blue Metallic
Color Code: B35/PC3
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Additional Chrysler paint colors may be available, especially interior, trim and wheel colors. Try searching other Chrysler Laser years or Submit a color request.