Finding Your Color Code

In order to guarantee the accuracy of your color, you must find your vehicle color code.  The vehicle color code describes your color exactly so finding it is important. When you bring up the list of colors for your vehicle, you will see a page that looks like this:

Color Code Example

2000 Acura Integra (EXAMPLE) Locate Color Identification Plate
 Color  Color Description  Color Code
   Voltage Blue Metallic Clearcoat  B-97M
   Clover Green Pearl Clearcoat  G-95P
   Championship White  NH-0

(The sample above is taken when you choose a 2000 Acura Integra. There are actually more colors to choose from then just these for this model.)

The link shown, "Locate Color Identification Plate" will have a diagram of where to find the color code for your vehicle. You will notice on this page that for models past 1995, the page is divided into Domestic and Foreign. Just locate your car in the appropriate table and look at where the color code should be on your car. Some cars have always put the color code in one location. Other car manufacturers place the code in odd places and you may have to check several locations. You are looking for a plate, sticker, decal or stamped into the body somewhere. Just look at the diagrams closely and you will find it! Consider finding your color code like an Easter Egg Hunt!

On most vehicles, locating the color code is easy. However, some cars, (like the Audi A4 where it is hidden underneath the trunk carpet in the spare tire compartment on the right side!) will be challenging. Take the time to locate your color code, it's absolutely critical. Please read the section on Choosing colors for more information.

Where to Locate Your Color Code

If you wish to see where your color code is, select your year below and click the Find Code button below.

Select your vehicle year:

Notes on color codes for different vehicle makes:

  • Acura/Honda - Easy color id plate right on the drivers door jamb. Many Acuras and Hondas have a factory code which makes a difference in the color.

    More information on the factory code

    More information on:
    Acura Paint Codes
    Honda Paint Codes
  • Audi - Hidden around the spare tire on a paper tag and can often be loose or folded over.

    More information on Audi Paint Codes.
  • BMW - Usually underneath the hood by the strut towers.

    More information on BMW Paint Codes.
  • Chrysler - (AMC, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth) - Their color code is in the format of PS2 QS2 where the color code is S2 and the "P", "Q", (could be other letters here such as G, T, etc) is just a year code and has nothing to do with the color code at all.
    You may also see PNT before the color code which just means Paint and is not part of the color code.

    More information on:
    AMC Paint Codes
    Chrysler Paint Codes
    Dodge Paint Codes
    Jeep Paint Codes
    Plymouth Paint Codes
  • Ford - (Ford, Lincoln, Mercury) The paint code is always on the drivers door jamb, but often they will have the color code above where it says "Exterior Paint Code". The code shown below Exterior Paint Code is usually not the correct paint code. Look for a two character code. Also, you may see CC Met on the color plate which means Clearcoat Metallic and is not part of the color code. Occasionally they emboss the color code right in the middle of the sticker. The important thing here is to first look at our colors, make an educated guess which color is correct and then locate that code on the color plate.

    Also, if you see WB on the plate, this is the wheelbase measurement on Ford vehicles. You are looking in the right place though, just above Wheel Base is 'EXT PNT'. Look to the right of EXT PNT to find your code, which you can order on our site.

    More information on:
    Ford Paint Codes
    Lincoln Paint Codes
    Mercury Paint Codes
  • GM - (Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Geo, GMC, Hummer, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Saturn): GM has a fairly confusing code system. For example, the color code 96/WA8867 listed on our site can be shown on your vehicle as: 96U       96L      8867      WA8867      8867L      8867U. Often there will be a BC CC before the color code. This stands for Basecoat/Clearcoat. The U in the paint code means the Upper Color and the L means the Lower Color. Two tone vehicles will have each color coded, i.e. 96U and say 36L. Also, it could be 8867L or 8834U, etc.  Just don't get confused by the BC CC and the U and L. What you are looking for is a match on your color plate that matches at least part of what we show on our site.

    More information on:
    Buick Paint Codes
    Cadillac Paint Codes
    Chevrolet Paint Codes
    GMC Paint Codes
    Hummer Paint Codes
    Oldsmobile Paint Codes
    Pontiac Paint Codes
    Saturn Paint Codes
  • Hyundai - Usually on the drivers door jamb.

    More information on: Hyundai Paint Codes
  • Infiniti - Always on the drivers door jamb. Easy to match up with our colors.

    More information on: Infiniti Paint Codes
  • Jaguar - Usually on the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc.

    More information on: Jaguar Paint Codes
  • Kia - Usually on the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc.

    More information on: Kia Paint Codes
  • Land Rover - Usually on the drivers door jamb or under the hood.

    More information on: Land Rover Paint Codes
  • Lexus - Has the color code on the drivers door jamb in the format i.e. CTR:1C8/FB13 which is color code 1C8. The CTR stands for Color and Trim. Next is the color code 1C8. At the end is the trim code, in this case FB13 which is not part of the color code. Our site lists many of the two tone combinations so take a look at your year, make and model.

    More information on: Lexus Paint Codes
  • Mazda - On the drivers door jamb, but in older models, it can be under the hood, trunk, etc.

    More information on: Mazda Paint Codes
  • Mercedes - Located by the radiator. Right in the middle of a bunch of numbers. We get more emails from Mercedes owners due to the confusing color code markings. First look at the colors shown on our site and write down the the most probable color codes. Now, try to find this grouping of numbers on your vehicle. Some Mercedes have DB in front of the color code, but most do not.

    More information on: Mercedes Paint Codes
  • Mini - Usually underneath the hood by the strut towers or by the driver door hinge.

    More information on Mini Paint Codes
  • Mitsubishi - Under the hood or on the drivers door jamb.

    More information on: Mitsubishi Paint Codes
  • Nissan - Always on the drivers door jamb. Easy to match up with our colors.

    More information on: Nissan/Datsun Paint Codes
  • Porsche - Usually around the spare tire, but it can also be on the drivers door jamb, under the hood, trunk, etc. The only place they don't put the color code is inside the transmission but maybe next year! Again, determine the most likely code by looking at the colors on our site and then try to locate this code on your vehicle.

    More information on: Porsche Paint Codes
  • Subaru - Usually underneath the hood by the strut towers.

    More information on: Subaru Paint Codes
  • Suzuki - Puts their color codes all over the place so check the diagrams we have on our site.

    More information on: Suzuki Paint Codes
  • Saab - Usually on the drivers door jamb.

    More information on: Saab Paint Codes
  • Scion - Usually on the drivers door jamb.

    More information on: Scion Paint Codes
  • Toyota - Has the color code on the drivers door jamb in the format i.e. CTR:1C8/FB13 which is color code 1C8. The CTR stands for Color and Trim. Next is the color code 1C8. At the end is the trim code, in this case FB13 which is not part of the color code. Our site lists many of the two tone combinations so take a look at your year, make and model.

    More information on: Toyota Paint Codes
  • Volkswagen - Hidden around the spare tire on a paper tag and can often be loose or folded over.

    More information on: Volkswagen Paint Codes
  • Volvo - Usually underneath the hood towards either side.

    More information on: Volvo Paint Codes
  • Winnebago - Check out this link as it lists colors of Winnebago, Itasca, Rialta and ERA motorhomes
  • Other Vehicles Makes
    For Austin, Fiat, MGB, Peugeot, Rover, Triumph, etc., you should look in all the usual places: Door jambs, underneath the hood, trunk lid around the spare tire and occasionally in some very unlikely places!

    Interior colors
    Typically interior colors are a vinyl paint in late model vehicles.. Older vehicles with metal interiors use the same paint used on the exterior. Interior colors are not color coded on the vehicle anywhere so you have two choices. You can borrow our color books or you can also go by a body shop with interior color chips and have them tell you what color code you have. Once we know the color code, we can make the paint.

VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)

We ask for the VIN to help us match your paint. However, the VIN does not give us your color code! It only gives us any paint formula variance in an existing color code. Make sure you have found the color code on your vehicle.

For more information on paint colors, visit Choosing Paint Colors.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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Customer Testimonials

"I received the paint today- it is perfect- absolutely a perfect match. Thanks a lot."
A. Merulla
Montgomery Village, MD
"Perfect color match, Thank You!"
G.K. - May 2014
Minnetonka, MN
"I have used your product many times & it is always on the money. Thanks"
E. Pierce
Bennington , VT

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