Looking Back at 2022 and Why You Chose PaintScratch. And, Happy New Year!

As the owner of PaintScratch, I just wanted to reach out and thank you for choosing our company. We’ve received over 1,500 responses from customers asking “Why did you choose PaintScratch?”, and it’s been really rewarding to see that so … Continue reading

Posted in Happy Customers, Updates


We are still open & fulfilling internet orders. Alameda County has exempted our facility from closing as an “Essential Business” under: 10. f. vi. Gas stations and auto-supply, auto-repair, and related facilities; Our team is healthy and taking every possible … Continue reading

Posted in Updates
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Customer Testimonials

"I really like your product. I was surprised on how well the paint matched my car considering that it faded over time. Great job."
S. Elliott
Lombard , IL
"Excellent as usual! Ordering by paint kit is a great addition, less thinking involved ;) and I'm sure the results will be as good as they have been in the past. Thanks again!"
Ron M.
Chesterfield , VA
"Easy to find the color I needed. Checkout was easy. Even this grandma can handle a few chips and scratches with professional tools and instructions. Thanks!"
Gloria J.
Warwick, RI

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