Secure Order Site - Custom Matching

PaintScratch provides custom paint matching for nearly any color on any surface. We can match powder coats, fluorescent colors,  aircraft, appliances, furniture, special panels, etc. In order to match colors successfully, we will need a painted part at least 2" square. Not all colors will need custom matching. If we find an existing paint that we feel is an excellent match, you will not be charged a color matching charge at all. We will notify you upon receipt of your part.
Please note: Custom matching is only available in the United States.

Where to send your part:

San Leandro Color
Attn: Ruth Toovey
555 E. 14th St.
San Leandro, CA 94577

Please note
PaintScratch will NOT be responsible for any damage or loss of the part you send to us. Do not send a part which cannot be replaced! If this is not possible, do not fill out this form or send us a part!


We apologize, but there is NO free shipping over $149.00 on custom match orders.

When is my Credit Card Charged?

Your credit card is not charged by submitting this form. Your card will be charged when we receive the part you send in for custom matching.

Costs and Color Matching

You have two choices for paint matching.  

Hand matching is an exact match of the paint sample you have sent us. Our paint technicians carefully match the sample you have sent. It is a time consuming process and the cost for this is $39.95. If you require a paint formula for a hand matched paint, there is a one time charge of $150.00. This will only be necessary if you need to have this paint made in the future. If you do choose this option, you will only need to reference your invoice number for us to find the custom formulation we have on file for you.

Computer Scanning

Computer scanning is a blendable scan. We scan the color and it produces a paint formula that is somewhat close to the color, but not exact. There is no charge for computer scanning.


Tricoat paint matching costs an additional $30.00 and we will let you know if your color is a tricoat. Tricoats are composed of three paint layers, basecoat, midcoat and clearcoat.

Hand match versus Computer Matching for Metallic Finishes

For metallic automotive finishes, we recommend the hand match as the computer matching is usually not satisfactory. For solid colors, computer matching may be sufficient to produce a close match. Again, if you are painting an expensive vehicle, spend the money for the hand match.


PaintScratch will match your color under natural light or simulated sunshine. Your color may look different under other lighting conditions.

Quantity Discounts and Minimum Order

There are no minimums for orders. There are discounts for quantity purchases of paint. Please contact us with your requirements.

Look at our shipping map for information on how long it will take to receive your order.

Due to Federal Shipping Regulations, we cannot ship orders overnight.

If you would like to have a part custom matched, please fill in the form below and click the Send in the Order button below.

Custom Matching Order Form

If you would like to have a part custom matched, please fill and submit form below.

Year:      Make:       Model: 
 Name of color: 
Please enter any special instructions below (Maximum of 60 characters!). Also, let us know what you are sending us and when you are shipping it to us. We will bill your credit card only when we have started matching your part.

 Custom Hand Matching  @ $39.95
 Custom Formulation for Hand Matched Paint  @ 150.00
(Your formula is saved for reorder. You will not need to send us a part again.)
 Computer Scanning  @ No Charge
  ==> Enter quantities below. If you need help in deciding what to order, Click here.
 Product Description  Basecoat  Clearcoat  Primer  Total
 1/2 oz. Basecoat Paint Pen
@ $16.99

@ $10.95

@ $7.95
 1 oz. Basecoat Paint Bottle
@ $17.99

@ $10.95

@ $7.95
 2 oz. Basecoat Paint Bottle
@ $32.95

@ $13.95

@ $9.95
 12.5 oz. Basecoat Spray Can
@ $29.99

@ $19.95

@ $13.95
 16 oz. Basecoat Paint (One Pint)
@ $101.95

@ $39.95

@ $34.95
 32 oz. Basecoat Paint (One Quart)
@ $166.99

@ $54.95

@ $53.95
 128 oz. Basecoat Paint (One Gallon)
@ $599.95

@ $149.95

@ $145.95
Touch Up Paint Helpers
Rubbing Compound, Tape, Sandpaper, Tack Rags
 2 oz. Rubbing Compound Bottle @ $5.49
 3/4 inch masking tape @ $4.95
 Sandpaper Pack @ $4.45
 Tack Rag @ $2.95
Body Filler Products
 4.5 oz. Spot Putty @ $5.95
 Flexible Bumper Repair Kit @ $24.95
 Final Finish Glaze (8 oz.) @ $15.95
 Lite Weight Autobody Filler (.75 quart) @ $18.95
 Three plastic spreaders @ $4.95
Solvents and Other Primers
 2 oz. Acrylic Lacquer Thinner @ $2.95
 2 oz. Wax and Grease Remover @ $3.95
 4 oz. Rust Converter @ $9.95
 10 oz. One-Step Rust Converter (Spray Can) @ $21.95
 11.8 oz. Catalyzed Clearcoat (Spray Can) @ $25.95
 12 oz. Adhesion Promoter (Spray Can) @ $18.95
 12 oz. Flat Black Trim Paint (Spray Can) @ $16.95
 20 oz. Blending Solvent @ $15.49
Safety Products
 Small 3M Dual Cartridge Respirator @ $29.99
 Medium 3M Dual Cartridge Respirator @ $29.99
 Large 3M Dual Cartridge Respirator @ $29.99
 (Spray cans cannot be shipped to HI, AK or outside USA)  Total
Billing Information
First Name:*    Last Name:*
Company: Please enter your credit card billing address exactly as it appears on your credit card statement. Your billing address and phone number must match your credit card statement or we will not be able to ship your order until your billing address has been verified.
Address One:*
Address Two:
Zip/Postal Code:* Country:
Shipping Information

My shipping address is the same as my billing address.
First Name:* Last Name:*
Company: Most orders are delivered by the US Postal Service so a Postal Mailing Address is required. 

Please note: Orders to California for spray cans and larger sizes are delivered by UPS so a street address is required!
Address One:*  
Address Two:
Zip/Postal Code:* Country:
Additional Information
VIN Number: (Please enter for correct color formulation.)
Email Address:* i.e. [email protected]
Phone number:* ( ) - Ext:  
Required Entries!  
Payment Information
Upon Receipt of your part, we will send you a link to complete your payment.

*Required Entries!
Please click the Send in the Order button below so we can receive your information. Follow the directions on the next screen.

PaintScratch Color Match Guarantee Badge
PaintScratch is an American Business
PaintScratch offers free shipping on all orders over $99!

Customer Testimonials

"It was easy to use, if my paint is good, I will use you again."
A.J. - May 2014
Sacramento, CA
"Received your touchup kit and could not be more pleased with the results. Great product, and will definitely recommend to anyone in need of touchup paints and supplies"
A. Vulpis
Franklin, NCI
"Great web site !!! So easy to use and had the products I was looking for including the clear coat"
G.D. - June 2014
Paso Robles, CA